"sem break updates: part 1"
it's been 7 days since my sem break started..and what have i been doin' you ask? hmm..nothing actually...i mean what are you suppose to do on such a long break...i mean aside form sleeping and eating of course...
1. sleep disaster...
for the first few days..i had difficulty with sleeping..i can't seem to sleep long enough (i usually sleep at 12 and wake up at 6) i have all the time in world and i coundn't even sleep decently...the worst thing is i can't even take power naps..not that i don't want to *believe me, if i was reincarnated i'd choose to be a BEAR(ber) so i could just eat and hibernate (i wouldn't even have weigh issues and still be cute and fierce at the same time *oh db bongga!*) or i could like.. be the princess of dubai *ahaha aha ha ahahahahaha*. how fun would that be..well i guess either one of the 2 will do* ..anyway ..its just that i'm not allowed to...(yes i'm prohibited..banned) *i mean how bad is that*..well i guess my body has developed some sort of an alarm clock..i mean its automatic. its like i'm set on auto-pilot whenever the clock strikes at 6:00 (it's like i'm cinderella only earlier) ..well there's definitely a lot of getting use to.. especially with the new lifestyle..or i guess the lack of it?!?
2. dvd marathon: coupling

well i've been hooked with this "british comedy" for quite some time now..and heck is it hilarious or what..it's like sex and the city meets f.r.i.e.n.d.s only funnier or maybe it's at par? *subject for debate* but with less sex?!?!
quotable quotes:
- You’ve always got to send a man a book when you split up, to prove how you’re a caring, giving person, and how they’re going to die in a pit of their own filth.
- I really quite like being single. Except for the bit about not having a man.
- As Susan's best friend I am to you a bit like Australia: very distant, largely uninhabitable and with areas of great danger.
- We just stood there looking at each other.There was so much electricity, you could have executed ten fat murderers!
- Friendship’s more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
- (to Patrick) I don’t need you to think of me as 'a person' - I have women for that.